
It has been said that people who love to read will tackle the back of the cereal box if nothing else is available, and I think I have finally proved this to be true.  One winter’s morning in 2010, I found myself in the kitchen staring at a box of Special K I had no memory of buying and certainly none of eating.  I had come to the end of a PhD in Creative Writing at the University of Adelaide, and during this period of distraction it seemed the children had taken to buying and eating chocolate-coated cereal.

With my creative wheels still spinning, and nowhere to go, I decided to spend some mindful hours in the kitchen. In the time it took to whip up thirty beautiful breakfasts, and rearrange the cupboards, I found I had gained my doctorate.

The breakfasts became a Facebook project: The Month of Mindfulness. People even began to look forward to them, and I am sometimes still asked, wistfully, what I can suggest for breakfast. So I decided to make the thirty mornings permanently available.

I hope you find something to enjoy!

Bio Notes:

I have published journalism, photography, creative non-fiction and two novels – Nights In The Asylum, and If You Were Mine. And I also indulge a not-so-secret fetish for old kitchen implements and beautiful china, with a particular passion for English and Irish spongeware. There is more information on my website at www.carollefevre.com  and at http://www.thefountainoverflows.wordpress.com

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